Student Release Policy

6 years ago

Student Release Policy


It is the policy of the Houston School District to educate all students who legally reside within the boundaries of the District. The District will not release students who are residents of the District to attend another public school district. For the students who have been released in the past, the District will grandfather those students who are are in grades 6 through 12 and who have been released for at least two consecutive years. All other students who have been released in the past will no longer be released. Once all grandfathered students have completed their education in the Houston School District, no further transfers will be allowed.


Out-of-District Students Policy


The Board adheres to provisions as set forth in state law 37-15-31 concerning non-resident students. Site administrators, in consultation with the superintendent, may refuse or delay the enrollment of out-of-district students.


Admission of out-of-district students will include an analysis of grade, behavior, and absenteeism.  The student must have and maintain a “C” and be making satisfactory progress toward promotion or graduation, in order to transfer into our district. The school principal and/or a deignee will review the merits of a student’s application prior to acceptance in our district as an out-of-district student. If admitted, grades, behavior, and attendance will be monitored. If a student becomes involved in a serious discipline issue or becomes a chronic discipline problem, they will the loose the privilege of attending Houston School District. Also, if a student has excessive absences, if their grade falls below a “C” average, or they are not making satisfactory progress toward promotion or graduation, they will loose their privilege of attending Houston School District. Out-of-district students who have been retained more than once in previous grades will not be accepted into Houston School District.


All decisions as to whether to accept out-of-district students will also be based on student-teacher ratios. This will be closely monitored, expecially at the elementary level.

Grab n' Go Breakfast

6 years ago




Breakfast is free to ALL students at Houston School District, and starting Monday, Oct. 30, Grab-N-Go breakfast will be available to students at all Houston schools. Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, and research shows it has a great impact on school success. The Grab-N-Go breakfast program is proven to increase the consumption of breakfast. We have seen this increase at Houston High School, which implemented Grab-N-Go in August. We are excited to implement this program district wide.

Some benefits of eating breakfast:
*improved academic achievement through improved concentration, comprehension, memory, and learning
*better attendance
*less tardiness
*fewer visits to the school nurse
*fewer behavior problems
*improved dietary intake and reduced risk of obesity

Reading Fair

6 years ago

By Rebecca Wortham

     Houston Upper Elementary is pleased to announce that they are preparing for their First Schoolwide Reading Fair.  The goal of the reading fair is to enhance and encourage reading at all three grade levels and to provide students the opportunity to share their favorite book through a storyboard display.

     This Reading Fair will have students selecting a great fiction or nonfiction book of their choice and interacting with it in an exciting way.  The students will be making a storyboard display highlighting the important elements of books, applying what they have been learning in school.

    Information packets have been sent home explaining the guidelines and expectation.  Houston Upper Elementary PTO purchased the tri-fold board for every student.

     Click on the read more box below for The Mississippi Department of Education Reading Fair Guidelines.


If you have any questions related to the reading fair, please contact your child’s teacher.